Flambo is officially known as MBIS MRBIS BISS Multiple group winning AKC GCHB. Boricua Ch ASCA Ch. Puerto Rican GCH. Latin American Ch. FCI International Ch. Pan American Ch. Veritas Royal Poinciana CGCU CGCA TKE a four and a half year old Australian Shepherd who does it all.​ Service dog by day, Titkok star by night and champion show dog on the weekends.
In August 2019 Flambo finished his Service dog training and took over for Espeon. During quarantine in July his owner found Stella and her speech pathologist owner Christina Hunger on YouTube. He had been working on learning new tricks to keep him busy while the city was closed down. The concept made sense, if a dog can understand what “sit” and “down” means, why couldn’t they understand how to use buttons to talk to us?.
Flambo got our first four buttons and the moment I put them down Flambo started pressing them. It only took him a couple hours to learn “play” “food” “outside” and “all done”. His owner quickly started adding more words, to see if he truly understood what they meant his owner would ask what the items she was holding were. His toy bunny, water, food etc.
When they started his owner had no desire to go further than him being able to tell her his basic needs and wants. But she went down the rabbit hole and started to added more abstract words like "want" and "where", "yes" and "no" and he started to form sentences.
He is the happiest dog in the world and just wants to make people smile. His TikTok was started to show his silly personality and great dancing skills to try to make people laugh.
He is constantly learning new words and expanding his knowledge with this form of communication.
Espeon is an 9 and a half year old Finnish spitz and while Espeon no longer likes the spotlight, this wasn't always the case. ​ Espeon had her own character in the iOS game 'Astro Tower'. ​
She attended 10 gaming conventions, including E3 helping spread awareness to disabilities in gaming. ​ Helped host shows, streams, and spotlighted in panels. ​ Espeon's biggest gaming brag is her first and only kill on Fortnite. ​
She even worked with the brand 'un cool is cool' to create a t shirt where all proceeds went to a service dog program.

York is Flambo's 23 month old son who is already following in his dad's foot steps and learning to talk, although he's taken to the buttons much slower than his father he is still able to communicate his basic wants and needs with them.
Believe it or not but York is an even bigger cuddler than Flambo which you didn't know was possible. His goal is life is make people happy. York is finishing up his training to become a therapy dog along with his dad so he can visit hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, schools, libraries, hospices, or disaster areas to make people smile and to provide comfort.
He is very much his father's son, York finished his AKC Championship at 21 months old with 4 majors and a group 1 from the classes. Now he'll play in FCI and ASCA while he grows up to try to take on his dad's legacy.
York enjoys traveling, camping and sports. He's an athlete and loves anything that includes running, swimming, play of any kind or his best friend Binky.
Abba got her first puppy at 10 years old, a rescue Pit Bull/pug mix named Roxi, the following year she was given her first service dog, Pucci. She spent her teen years working at her mom's doggy daycare/boarding kennel while traveling the country showing dogs.
She and her family were heavily involvrd in Pit Bull rescue, always having a foster dog or 2 in their house.
Abba's mom was a top dog trainer in Houston annd helped grow her love for dogs while teaching her how to give them the best life possible.
As an adult Abba handled show dogs until she quit to pursue her passion in gaming.